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How to register on the MadVex exchange?


1- To register on the Madvex exchange, go to the following [link].

2- Next, click on the "Register" button in the website's header.


3- In this field, enter a valid email address to which you have full access.


4- In the password field, define an 8-digit password that includes numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols.


5- In the confirm password field, re-enter the password you defined for verification.


6- If your friends have sent you a referral code or link, check the referral id box and enter the provided code in this field.


7- To complete and confirm the registration, be sure to read our terms and conditions and tick the confirmation box if you agree.


8- Next, click on the "Register" button.


9- Finally, a confirmation link will be sent to your email to verify your email, and upon verification, your registration will be completed.
